Amourette 2009

amourette titel

2009 «Amourette», 5min20, Swiss Effects, Zurich, Switzerland

Zwei Holzpuppen liefern sich auf einem Schleifpapier eine heisse Nummer.
Durch konstanten Wechsel der Stellungen schleifen sie sich dabei am Boden
gegenseitig immer mehr ab.
Die Stimmung schwankt zwischen Ringkampf und Liebesspiel.
Der Liebesakt wird zum Rennen gegen die Schleifmaschine Zeit.

Two wooden dolls are having sex on a sandpaper.
By constant change of the positions they sand themselves off by rubbing the floor.
The mood varies between wrestling and amorous play.
Finally the love act turns into a race against time.

Deux poupées de bois se livrent à une danse effrénée sur papier de verre.
Comme elles changent sans arrêt de position, ces poupées subissent sur le sol
une usure de plus en plus forte. L'ambiance varie entre lutte acharnée et ébats amoureux.
L'acte amoureux devient une course contre la montre, contre l'usure du temps.


Fantoche 2009, swiss competition, Baden, Switzerland
Cinema tout ecran 2009 swiss competition, Lausanne, Switzerland
Kurzfilmtage Winterthur 2009 swiss competition, Winterthur, Switzerland
Short Film Night of Lausanne, 2009, Switzerland
Solothurner Filmtage 2010, Switzerland
Monstra 2010, lisbon, portugal
Festival du film francophone de Vienne 2010, Wien, Austria
Corto Helvetico Femminile 2010, Lugano, Switzerland
EMAF, European Media Art Festival, Campus, 2010, Osnabrück, Germany
AniFest 2010, Worls Panorama, Prague, Czech Republic
Anima Mundi 2010, Competition, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sicaf 2010, Competition, Seoul, South Corea
Sexy International Paris Film Festival 2010
Faire Court 2010, France
Vevey European First Film Awards 2010, Vevey, Switzerland
Le Festival du Film Français d'Helvétie 2010, Biel, Switzerland
IAFF Krok 2010, International Competition, Moskow, Russia
Golden Kuker 2010, International Competition, Sofia, Bulgaria
Cinematou 2010, International Competition, Geneva, Switzerland
Anim`est 2010, International Competition, Bucharest, Rumania
LUFF 2010, Underground Filmfestival, Lausanne, Switzerland
BAF 2010, Bradford Animation Festival, UK
Expresión en Corto IFF 2010, midnight madness, Guantanamo, Mexico
Ourense International Film Festival 2010, Ourense, Spain
Gotham Screen International Film Festival, New York, USA
Alcine 2010, Noches Golfas, Madrid, Spain
Filmfestival du Film Européen in Vannes
Q! Film Festival 2011, Kineforum, Jakarta, Indonesia
Be film underground film festival 2011, New York, USA
Worldwide Short Film Festival Toronto 2011, Shorts for Shorties, Toronto, Canada
Internationales Trickfilmfestival Stuttgart 2011, new Swiss Animation, Stuttgart, Germany
«Le cri du Col 2011» le Haut-Beaujolais, France
Festival Internazionale del Cinema 2011, competition ART LAB, Bergamo, Italy
Animatricks 2011 Animation Festival, Helsinki, Finland
Fantaspoa International Fantastic Film Festival
Festival du Film Court Francophone 2011, vaulx- en- velin, France
Worldwide Shortfilm Festival 2011, Toronto, Canada

Special mention, swiss competition, Fantoche 2009
Best Animation, Corto Helvetico Femminile 2010, Lugano, Switzerland
Special Mention, international competition, Monstra 2010, Lisboa, Portugal
Special Mention, international competition, Animest 2010, Bucharest, Romania
Best Animation, Festival Internazionale del Cinema 2011, competition ART LAB

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